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📁 Upload

How does it work?

It uses the endpoints of the backend to upload the files in chunks. The steps are:

  • Only show button if upload is enabled in admin area
  • Check if file is on the server by using the exists endpoint.
  • If it is, don't upload it
  • If it isn't, upload it with the upload endpoint
  • If the upload is complete, call the complete endpoint
  • If all files are uploaded, call the scanuploadedphotos endpoint

This is implemented in the UploadSlice, where you can call the action uploadImages to upload the images. The progress is saved wihtin the slice as total and current.

Differences to the frontend

To continue using blobs, we need to use react-native-blob-util to convert the file to a blob and chunk it. The library is not well documented, so it took some time to figure out how to use it. The types are mostly wrong, which is the reason for a lot of any types. Blobs get created asynchronously, so we need to wrap chunking in a Promise.all to get the actual blobs.

We cannot use redux-query when using the upload endpoint, because it is based on fetch. Fetch isn't correctly implemented yet on androids okhttp library. When we use it, we will get a Network error. So we use axios instead.