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🐋 Docker

Docker Compose

We recommend you use docker compose as this matches the demo and development environment the most.


You need an x86 or ARM64 processor, and it is recommended to have 4GBs of RAM. Due to limited memory & processing power, ARM64 will not be as fast.


You will need at least 10 GB of HDD Space for the docker images, thumbnails, database and machine learning models.

🚀 Installation

Clone the repo: git clone

Navigate to the librephotos-docker folder: cd librephotos-docker

Copy the template variable file (containing options such as the location of your photos): cp librephotos.env .env


It is important that you rename it to .env. Otherwise docker compose cannot find your variables.

Open .env in your favorite text editor and make the required changes. E.g., using nano: nano .env

Do not forget to create the directories you specified in the .env file if they do not exist.

Start LibrePhotos with docker-compose up -d

You should have LibrePhotos accessible after a few minutes of boot-up on localhost:3000

Next Steps

Next, take a look at the first steps after setup.


To update LibrePhotos when using Docker Compose, navigate to the librephotos-docker folder that was created when you installed LibrePhotos.

Then run:

docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d


Overview of the folders that can be mounted as volumes:

  • /var/lib/librephotos/photos/ your actual photos
  • /var/lib/librephotos/data/protected_media/ thumbnails
  • /var/log/librephotos/ logs
  • /var/lib/postgresql/data/ database

Replace the first part that is in brackets with the actual location of the folder:

sudo docker run -v <photos>:/var/lib/librephotos/photos/ -v <thumbnails>:/var/lib/librephotos/data/protected_media -v <logs>:/var/log/librephotos/ -v <db>:/var/lib/postgresql/data -p 3000:80 -d reallibrephotos/singleton

If you run into any permission issue, add -e FIXPERMISSIONS=true or change the permission to allow read/write/execute your photo folder to other users.